Employee Spotlight

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Celebrating a Decade with SBCAG

October 18, 2024

We asked SBCAG’s Director of Planning, Mike Becker, about his experiences and achievements as he celebrates 10 years with the agency this month. Over the past decade, Mike has been instrumental in many projects, most notably the adoption of the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans. His persistence and dedication have significantly impacted both the agency and the community. In this interview, we highlight his journey, explore how his skills and the agency have evolved, share the lessons he’s learned, and unveil the insights that make his contributions invaluable to SBCAG.

Q: Could you describe your journey to SBCAG and how you’ve seen its evolution over the past decade?

A: I spent eight years on the coast of California, specifically in San Diego and Monterey, while serving in the U.S. Navy. Afterward, my wife and I relocated to the East Coast. It didn’t take long for us to realize that, after years of enjoying weather that’s 70 degrees and sunny, anything less feels like a disappointment. I consider myself a climate refugee. If you’re only going to live once, you might as well do it somewhere nice.

Over the last 10 years, SBCAG has evolved significantly for the better. One major change on the planning side has been the steady inflow of new planning funds, such as Senate Bill 1, Regional Early Action Planning Grants 1.0 (REAP 1), and Regional Early Action Planning Grants 2.0 (REAP 2). These funding sources have empowered SBCAG to undertake some innovative transportation and housing planning projects.

Additionally, Marjie Kirn, who joined the agency shortly after me, has been instrumental in leading SBCAG with a strong focus on exploring new and diverse approaches to our work. Her leadership has truly encouraged the agency to embrace creativity and change.

Image of planning division left to right: Andrew Orfila, Mike Becker, and Mia Lewis

Q: What has been your proudest accomplishment during your time here?

A: My proudest accomplishment at SBCAG is the successful adoption of the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans. While it wasn’t the most enjoyable or interesting project, it was undoubtedly the most challenging. The process took a decade to complete, largely due to various obstacles in updating the plans. Throughout the journey, I experienced a wide range of emotions to their fullest extent. It also served as a personal test: if I could navigate and complete this project, I felt confident in tackling anything. We managed to thread the smallest of needles with success.

Q: How have your skills and expertise grown since you joined SBCAG? What have been some of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned?

Image of a group comprised of SBCAG, County, CHP and Caltrans staff standing in a circle in a parking lot near State Route 154

A: Transitioning from planning roles outside of California to SBCAG presented new learning opportunities, particularly with gaining experience on the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Advancing from a planner to the director of planning required a shift in focus towards the big picture and long-term strategies, a transition in which I believe I have succeeded.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Focus on Deliverables: A planner’s primary task is to deliver effective plans and studies rather than capital projects. It’s crucial to maintain a focus on the real objectives.
  2. Stay Informed: With over 50 percent of news being planning-related, it’s important to stay updated on current developments, as everything is interconnected.
  3. Challenge the Status Quo: Changing the status quo is often the toughest challenge, regardless of its current effectiveness—good or bad.

Q: Can you describe the SBCAG culture and how it has contributed to your growth and development?

A: SBCAG is a fantastic place to work. The work we do is rewarding, and we have a strong team. Although we’re a small MPO, we carry all the responsibilities of a large MPO, but with only about one-fifth of the staff. This environment requires us to be resourceful and take on multiple roles, which I truly appreciate. The culture here prevents people from becoming isolated in their roles, fostering collaboration and holistic development.

Q: Name three key attributes that lead to success at SBCAG and explain their significance.

A: At SBCAG, three words come to mind — Accountable, Insightful, and Devoted:

  1. Accountable: I consistently follow through on my commitments, ensuring reliability and trustworthiness within my team.
  2. Insightful: I excel at connecting the dots, which helps in foreseeing challenges and creating strategic solutions.
  3. Devoted: My passion for my work shines through, driving both my personal success and inspiring others around me.

Q: What motivates you to come to work every day? How do you stay inspired, energized, and engaged with your responsibilities?

Image of Andrew Orfila and Mike Becker on Electric Bikes with Clean Air Express buses in the background.

A: I’m motivated to come to work each day because of my dedication to my role, the agency, the incredible SBCAG team, and our valued partners. The knowledge that there’s important work to be accomplished drives me forward.

It’s well known that I’m passionate about cycling. Beyond the physical benefits, cycling offers significant mental health advantages. My time on the bike helps me clear my mind, process information, and brainstorm ideas, ultimately benefiting my work performance immensely.

Q: What are your hopes and goals for SBCAG in the next decade?

A: I hope SBCAG remains a dynamic organization that adapts and accommodates as needed. Our goal is to address the region’s complex and evolving challenges effectively.

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