Federal Funding

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Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)

Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)

2025 FTIP

Every year the Federal Government provides states, counties, cities and transit agencies with funding for transportation projects. The funding is received by the federal government through federal gas taxes. The Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) is adopted by SBCAG and serves as a single reference document that the public and government agencies can review to understand where, when and how federal funding will be spent within Santa Barbara County. An accurate project description, including project scope and funding allocated, must be listed in SBCAG’s FTIP before federal funds can be expended on the projects.

The Santa Barbara County Association of Governments is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Santa Barbara County and its incorporated cities and must carry out transportation planning and programming responsibilities specified in federal regulations. Among SBCAG’s many responsibilities include the preparation and adoption of a multi-year FTIP once every four years.

The FTIP serves as a short-term program for the use of anticipated federal transportation funds to maintain, operate and improve the region’s multi-modal circulation system. The FTIP identifies all federally funded highway, transit and other surface transportation projects in the county (along with their funding sources) that are scheduled for implementation in the following four years, Fiscal Year 2024/25 to Fiscal Year 2027/28. It also includes projects are subject to federally required action or are regionally significant. The FTIP must be financially constrained by year. This means that the amount of funding devoted to projects must not exceed the amount of estimated funding available. Only projects listed in the FTIP are eligible to receive federal transportation funding.


Amendment #1

  • Type: Formal
  • SBCAG Board Approval: 1/16/2025
  • Caltrans Approval: 1/30/2025
  • Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transportation Administration Approval: 2/28/25

Amendment #2

  • Type: Administrative
  • SBCAG Executive Director Approval: 1/24/2025
  • Caltrans Approval: N/A
  • Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transportation Administration Approval: N/A

Amendment #3

  • Type: Formal
  • SBCAG Board Approval: 2/20/2025
  • Caltrans Approval: 2/25/25
  • Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transportation Administration Approval: 2/28/25

Amendment #4

  • Type: Formal
  • SBCAG Board Approval: 3/20/2025
  • Caltrans Approval: Pending
  • Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transportation Administration Approval: Pending
Surface Transportation Program (STP)

Surface Transportation Program (STP)

The Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) was established by California State Statute utilizing Surface Transportation Program Funds that are identified in Section 133 of Title 23 of the United States Code.  Eligible projects include construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, resurfacing, restoration, and operation improvements on select transportation and transit infrastructure.

Each year, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) apportions flexible funding to Metropolitan Planning Organizations under the Surface Transportation Program (STP). SBCAG exchanges these funds as allowed by State statute for state gas tax funds to replace the administrative costs to project sponsors. State law requires that STP funds be shared with local agencies.

Annual List of Projects with Federal Funding

Federal law requires SBCAG to publish an annual list of projects for which federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year for public review, as a record of project delivery and a progress report for public information and disclosure. Below are the most recent year’s listings.

download this documentAnnual Listing of Obligated Projects FY 2023 download this documentAnnual Listing of Obligated Projects FY 2021
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

IIJA (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) provides approximately $350 billion over a five-year period. Some of the funding is apportioned to States based on formulas, and IIJA also provides funding through various competitive grant programs. SBCAG is eligible for multiple IIJA programs including:

National Infrastructure Project Assistance Megaprojects (MEGA)

National Infrastructure Project Assistance Megaprojects (MEGA): provides $5 billion in competitive funding for large scale multi-modal, multi-jurisdictional projects of regional or national significance

Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA)

Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA): This program supports highway and rail projects of regional and economic significance.

Rural Surface Transportation Grant

Rural Surface Transportation Grant: provides $2 billion in competitive funding to improve and expand surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas and increase connectivity, improve safety and reliability of goods and people movement, and generate regional economic growth.  

Rebuilding American Infrastructure Sustainably and Equitably (RAISE)

Rebuilding American Infrastructure Sustainably and Equitably (RAISE): provides $7.5 billion for road, rail, transit, and other surface transportation of local and/or regional significance

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI)

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI): provides funding to states to expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors.   

Federal Transportation Administration Programs

Federal Transportation Administration 5307 – Urbanized Area Formula Grants

Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) Section 5307 funding is apportioned to SBCAG by the FTA for transit operators in urbanized areas with a population of 50,000 or more. Any public agency with public transit capital and operating funding needs within, to\from, or between urbanized areas in Santa Barbara County may apply for FTA 5307 funding.

The below table lists the urbanized areas in Santa Barbara County that qualify for FTA 5307 funding and designated grantees:

Urbanized Area (50,000 or greater)Transit Operator
LompocCity of Lompoc Transit (COLT)
Santa BarbaraSanta Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (MTD)
Santa MariaSanta Maria Regional Transit (SMRT)

Federal Transportation Administration Section 5310 – Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities

The 2024 Call for Projects for the Santa Barbara Urbanized Area is now CLOSED. The Caltrans Call for Projects process will be available to other Urbanized Areas in Santa Barbara County.

Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) Section 5310 funds are apportioned to SBCAG by the FTA for to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities when the transportation service provided is unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate to meeting these needs. 

The following links provide additional information:

Federal Transportation Administration Section 5311 – Intercity Bus Program

Under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act, funds are made available annually for transit projects in non-urbanized areas to provide capital, planning, and operating assistance. In California, the Section 5311 program is administered by Caltrans Division of Mass Transit with funds apportioned to each region based on non-urbanized area population.

The below table lists the non-urbanized areas in Santa Barbara County that applied for and received FY2021/22 and 2022/23 FTA 5307 funding and designated transit operators:

Small Urbanized Area (50,000-199,999)Transit Operator
LompocCity of Lompoc Transit (COLT)
Santa MariaSanta Maria Regional Transit (SMRT)

The following links provide additional information:

Federal Transportation Administration Section 5339 – Bus and Bus Facilities

Section 5339 grant program provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses, vans, and related equipment, and to construct bus-related facilities. Caltrans Division of Rail and Mass Transportation administers a small urban (population 50,000 to 199,999) formula component to transit agencies in Santa Barbara County’s Small Urbanized Areas. In addition to the formula allocation, Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) 5339 includes two discretionary components: the Bus and Bus Facilities Discretionary Program and the Low or No Emissions Bus Discretionary Program.

The below table lists the Small Urbanized areas in Santa Barbara County that received FY 2022 FTA 5339 formula funding and designated transit operators:

Small Urbanized Area (50,000-199,999)Transit Operator
LompocCity of Lompoc Transit (COLT)
Santa MariaSanta Maria Regional Transit (SMRT)

The following links provide additional information:

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