Carpinteria Circulation Improvements

Project funding
- Measure A Funding Amount $1 million
- Estimated Non-Measure A Funding Amount To be determined
- Linden Avenue Improvements is for an amount $326,430
- City has requested the remaining funds for a future project be in FY 23/24
- PlanningApproval
- EnvironmentalDemolition
- DesignConstruction
- ConstructionPhase
- CompletionPhase
This project will make safety or operational improvements to local streets and highways, consistent with the City of Carpinteria’s circulation element, including intersection improvements, synchronizing traffic signals, improving bicycle and pedestrian safety and mitigating the impacts of transportation improvements within the community.
As part of the City of Carpinteria’s Circulation Improvements, the city is recommending a priority project related to the Linden/Casitas Interchange project. The City anticipates that the priority project could address needed sound walls or other improvements connected with the Linden/Casitas Interchange.